Founded in 2002 by Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo, Jnanasukha Foundation preserves and shares the teachings of the Wisdom Dakini, Yeshe Tsogyal, and the Dudjom New Treasures lineage of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.
Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal
Our website "I Am Yeshe Tsogyal" is presented as a first-person account of Tsogyal's life journey, teachings, rebirths, and more. It includes a bibliography, downloads, and a film titled 'In The Minds of All Beings,' which explores her birthplace, Tsogyal Latso.
To quote from the website: "I am Yeshe Tsogyal, Jnanasagara in Sanskrit, and in English, Victorious Ocean of Wisdom. Numerous prophecies have said that I will manifest in a billion forms to benefit beings."
"In your world, I took birth as a princess in Kharchen, Tibet, in the year 777, the Wood Bird Year. Propitious signs at my birth signified my future role in aiding countless beings. My journey started at the age of sixteen when I was accepted as a disciple by the renowned Lotus Born of Oddiyana. From then on, I was his devoted student, scribe, and steadfast companion."
Tsogyal Center & Utpala Life
The Tsogyal Center was blessed by Repkong Lama Tsedrup Tharchin Rinpoche and named “Joyful Lotus Grove of Scripture & Realization.” https://www.tsogyalcenter.com.
Utpala Life is Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo’s membership-based and free learning and practice online community for those active in the Dudjom New Treasure (Tersar) tradition.
The utpala, or blue lotus, carries profound associations with Prajnaparamita, Tara, and Manjushri. It symbolizes the profound knowledge and wisdom of these figures, often depicted as a not fully blossomed lotus, thereby signifying the ongoing journey to complete spiritual enlightenment. https://utpala.mn.co.
Benefit-All Grants
Lama Tharchin Heritage Foundation, Heart Teachings By Lama Tharchin, Padma Charitable Foundation, Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center BDRC, Treasury of Lives, Dharmata Foundation, Tibetan Language Institute
Tibet: Tsogyal Latso, Dudjom Lamaling, Shugseb Nunnery, Sang Lung Amdo, Dzogchen Monastery in Kham, Drigung Terdom, Yak Release Video
Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, Ratnaloka Cats, Feeding America, Hawaii Aloha Foundation for Maui Disaster.
Sangha Journeys
Since 2009, Sangha Journeys has offered carefully curated pilgrimages to Central and Eastern Tibet for Western Buddhists. In fact, over 20!
Specializing in the Nyingma tradition, Kailash, and other traditions, we honor Tibet's sacred sites and offer individual and small group experiences with knowledgeable guides selected by our Lhasa partners, Road To Tibet.
Pilgrimage routes can be customized. Your places. Your timing. https://sanghajourneys.comVisit Dudjom Lamaling in Kongpo Tibet video
Translation & Publication
In 2002, the purpose of creating Jnanasukha Foundation was to translate the Dudjom Dakini Heart Essence (Khandro Thuktik) treasure compendium. Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo and Heidi Nevin, guided by Lama Tsering Gyaltsen Rinpoche, translated about 500 folios. Since then, Lama Wangmo has continued translating sadhanas, instructions, prayers, and pilgrimage guides. Her current project is Yeshe Tsogyal’s Notebook, Tsogyal’s recollected teachings received from Guru Rinpoche and presented as a red text, meaning terse and to the point.
In 2015, Jnanasukha commissioned Chönyi Drolma to translate The Secret Biography of Yeshe Tsogyal, discovered by the 14th-century revealer, Drime Kunga. This is now published as “The Life & Visions of Yeshe Tsogyal: Autobiography of the Great Wisdom Queen”, under the Snow Lion imprint of Shambhala Publications (browse inside feature). Also available in German at Manjughosha Editions.
Khandro Tare Lhamo
Tare Lhamo ((1938–2003) was a master, visionary, and treasure revealer renowned for life-saving miracles during the Cultural Revolution in Eastern Tibet.
At 40, she became the wisdom consort of Namtrul Rinpoche Jigme Phuntsok, aka Orgyen Namkha Lingpa (1944–2011), the Fourth Namkai Nyingpo, and the rebirth of her father, Apang Terchen. For almost twenty years, the eminent couple collaborated in revealing and disseminating treasures, organizing and sponsoring projects, and creating new study and practice programs.Since 2016, Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo has explored the life and works of Tare Lhamo and published a catalog of her treasure writings with Namtrul Rinpoche.
Sacred Art
Sacred Art is one of nirmanakaya's four manifestational powers. Its purpose is to awaken the experience of ultimate truth. The Foundation has commissioned two original sacred paintings and has sponsored the Life Story of Yeshe Tsogyal murals at Tsogyal Latso, Tibet.
In 2008, the Dakini Heart Essence Refuge Thangka was commissioned to thangka artist Kumar Lama in consultation with Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and Lama Tharchin Rinpoche.
In 2015, a Yeshe Tsogyal Nirmanakaya applique thangka was commissioned to thangka artist Leslie Nguyen Temple in consultation with Lama Yeshe Wangmo and the Rubin Museum of Art. video
Recent Projects
New Nyingma Biographies Sponsored by Jnanasukha on Treasury of Lives
Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje
Dudul Dorje (1615-1672)
Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1904)
Zilnon Namkhai Dorje (1870-1922)
Coming Soon!
Drigung Khandroma
Yak Life Release in Tibet
With your contributions and our fabulous 3-person team in Amdo, we rescued 14 males and 34 females, 8 of whom are pregnant. The star of the day was a male who had lost his hoof and was moments away from slaughter. With intense, last-minute negotiation, a very high price was agreed upon, and we got him! His foot has been tended, and he is now spending the winter in private care!
Update Feb. 2024: hoof is 60% improved! Video
July 2024: 8 calves born to our herd have been life-released and we have an albino!
Sacred Art: Life of Yeshe Tsogyal Murals in Tibet
In 2017 and 2018, your contributions sponsored the first-ever narrative murals of Yeshe Tsogyal at her birthplace in Tibet. and the Longchen Nyingthik deity paintings at her birthplace in Tibet. Our photographs of the completed wall have been professionally edited, and this composite image was designed by Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo.